Mankato (August 11, 12)

Before heading up to Minneapolis I (Bob) stopped in Mankato to visit an old high school buddy and neighbor Dan Phillips. After picking me up Dan and his son in law and I went to fetch a car that was in a wreck. Dan wanted to fix it so we all drove to St Peter to get it from a junkyard and tow it to his farm house. It was quite an ordeal as it had a front tire falling apart but we managed. Then Dan and I decided to drive out to the old farm I grew up on. We found a lot of No Tresspassing signs which we ignored and ended up talking to the current occupant of the house and one of the new neighbors who built a house on the 40 acres up the hill. He wasn't so friendly at first but calmed after explaining who we were.

One of many no trespassing signs we ignored

  They still call the gravel pit the JANSEN PIT

  The current state of the farm house I grew up in. It was the only original building not torn down. A new shed is on the right.

The field along the driveway entering the farm has been turned into a nature sanctuary with a pond. We saw deer and birds

The view of the current farm from up the hill leading to the new neighbor

The new neighbor built this big house on the 40 acres up on the hill

On the way home we stopped at the farm house where Dan Phillips grew up and spoke with his mother. She hasn't changed. Very vibrant woman

The next morning I met my brother Dan for brakfast at Perkins

After driving to Minneapolis to meet my sister Bonnie, we went on a walk and then had a snack at Tiny Restaurant